A front end developer with UX experience
Let's Build Something Together!
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Examples of work created for graduate school projects and clients

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Radar Chart decision making tool

Front End Development

Interactive decision making tool

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Data Visualization

An infographic based on movement data

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Using data to provoke thought

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Interactive Data Visualization

Web-based interactive data visualization

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Hoods project wireframe displayed on iMac desktop computer

Wireframes & Prototypes

Wireframes for desktop & mobile

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Storyboards & Sketches

Rapidly visualizing concepts & ideas

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I am a professional software engineer with over 10 years experience in the financial industry who understands the importance of Ux Design.


I have over 10 years experience in windows front end programming. I am an expert C# programmer. I am also proficient in languages including Python, Javascript & R.


I have experience with Axure, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesgin. I can build animations and interactions into Axure wireframes.

Data Visualization

My strong background in coding provides the skills needed to write the necessary code. My additional experience in art and Ux design make them more visually appealing.

Responsive Web sites

This portfolio is an example of my experience in responsive design. I used Bootstrap and took a mobile first approach to the construction of this site.

Technical Summary and Experience

A summary of my current technical skills & work experience.

A self assesment of the skills & toolsets I have used in the past year.

Summary of time spent working with different technologies

Well, enough about my work, what about me?

I live in Evanston, IL and pine for the summer. When I am not coding or designing, you might find me out on the lakefront training for my next marathon.

Mark Smith

UX Designer & Hacker Extraordinaire

I am qualified for positions that will enable me broaden my design knowledge and use my coding experience. I think my ideal role would involve designing interfaces and providing the essential communication between a design team and the engineers tasked with implementing the design. I look forward to hearing about any possible opportunities that could add to and use my skill set.


For the past 10 years I have been a front end software developer for various hedge funds and market makers. At the end of March 2016 I graduated from DePaul University with a graduate degree in Human Computer Interaction. Learning how to design for and empathize with end users has given me an end to end understanding of the software development process. My UX skills and expert Software Engineering experience have placed me in the unique positon of being able to design a product with user input before translating the design into specific, yet realistic requirements, for an engineering team to implement.